PAMS Link is a program designed to showcase a broad range of performing arts pieces that run concurrently with the Performing Arts Market in Seoul. Through contests, collaborative festival programs and scheduled performances with related organizations, PAMS Link expands the scope of the Performing Arts Market in Seoul and provides an opportunity to experience the varied spectrum of Korean performing arts as well as a glimpse into the rich performing arts infrastructure in Korea. Moreover, Performing Arts Market in Seoul proposes to act as a link between participants and many performing arts groups, allowing them the opportunity to expand their networks even further.
A total of 57 performances were chosen through a competition, and Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2014 participants will be able to watch these chosen performances. Please note, however, that tickets are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served availability basis.
- -Reserving in Advance :
- To make a reservation on the PAMS 2014 website, log in with the ID and password you chose when registering for the website. Go to [MY PAMS], select the reservation menu, and select the performance and the time slot of your preference.
[Reservations Open : September 15th]
Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis, so if a show is sold out it may not be possible to make any further reservations. You can check your reservations through the [MY PAMS] page.
- - Reserving On-site :
- You can also make or change reservations during PAMS 2014 at the PAMS Link Desk. The desk hours are below
Days |
Time |
Place |
Oct. 7 (Tue)~10 (Fri) |
09:00~18:00 |
1F Lobby, Main Hall Hae, NTOK |
Oct.11(Sat) |
09:00~12:00 |
Oct. 8 (Wed)~10 (Fri) |
10:00~13:00 |
3F PAMS Link Booth, Main Hall Hae, NTOK |
* Hours may change depending on special circumstances.

- Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the performance start time. You can then show your pass. After your identity is confirmed, you will receive your admission ticket.
- Discounts on Tickets : If you are eligible to receive a discount, you can obtain the discounted amount directly from the venue.

- Reservations for performances on the 4th (Sat) ~ 6th (Mon) must be made in advance.
- Reservations for performances on the 12th (Sun) must either be made in advance or through the
PAMS Link Desk only.
- Tickets are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served availability basis.

The House without KnockingTheatre Nori/Seoul Performing Arts Festival(SPAF)

Based on a short story by Kim Ae-ran who is beloved as a novelist of sympathy, 〈The House without Knocking〉 is an one-source, multi-style performance that appeals to the audience.
Oct. 4 (Sat) 19:00 | 100min
Small Hall, Daehakro Arts Theater | Price:30,000KRW / 50% off
FAUST Ⅰ+ⅡTheatre Company Haddangse/Seoul Performing Arts Festival(SPAF)

“At this moment, I will say: Stay a while, you are so beautiful.” With this last word, ‘Theatre Company Haddangse’ aims to highlight ‘Faust’ who eventually returns to dust after the salvation of his own being by the company’s unique energy and imagination.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 19:00 / Oct. 12 (Sun) 16:00 | 90min
Main Hall, Deahakro Arts Theater | Price : 40,000KRW / 50% off
Musical <Woyzeck>LG Arts Center

Georg Buchner's unfinished play Woyzeck will be staged as a musical version for the first time. Yun Ho-Jin, the musical producer of 〈The Last Empress〉 has developed this project for 8 years with U.K. band 'Singing Loins'.
Oct. 9 (Thu) 19:00 / Oct. 10 (Fri) 20:00 / Oct. 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) 15:00, 19:00 | 150min
LG Arts Center | Price : R-80,000KRW, S-60,000원KRW / 50% off
MEDEANational Changgeuk Company of Korea

"The incredible change of Greek tragedy" , "The great innovation of Changgeuk threatening opera and musical" 〈MEDEA〉, a highly praised changgeuk, is coming back on stage once again this Fall.
Oct. 4 (Sat) 15:00, 19:00 / Oct. 5 (Sun) 19:00 | 100min
Main Hall Hae | Price : R-70,000KRW, S-50,000KRW A- 30,000KRW / 50% off
Mother Courage and Her ChildrenExtreme dream pool

During 30 years of European religious wars. A man’s desire and sacrifice of a child due to the desire. Through a woman’s life, we ask where the happiness of life begin. From a societal perspective, this piece talks about what is true human being.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 17:00 / Oct. 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) 15:00, 18:00 | 80min
Gangnam theater | Price : 20,000KRW / 40% off
The Invisible ManDONG theatre company

〈In visible Man〉 is the new work of Yan Won Kang, which is adapted from the novel of the same title by Hong Gyou Son, a contemporary Korean writer. On the father's 53rd birthday, the family plays invisible man with their father pretending that he is not seen. This game ends in catastrophe and reveals the hidden secret of life beyond the game. ‘Invisible Man’ shows the dangerous boundary and the cruel moment that break down of reality & play, disguise & actuality.
Oct. 7, 8 (Tue, Wed) 20:00 / Oct. 9 (Thu) 15:00 | 90min
Namsan Arts Center | Price : 25,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets
Bye CycleTheatre Group Seongbukdong Beedoolkee

Trauma of the past repeats itself on posterity. Paradigm of murder and indifference stands forever. When the audience pedals bicycles, the power–driven project or lights up the memory of our body. Finally reveals its complicity in our present tragedy, in the eternal <bye cycle>.
Oct. 4, 5, 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) 15:00 / Oct. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri) 20:00 | 70min
Hongik Daehangno Art center Small Theater | Price : 30,000KRW / 50% off

This is a new work by Yoon Han-sol. Taking its motif from George Orwell’s novel 〈1984〉, the work sheds new light on the meanings and the promises of the future following the ‘Futurist Manifesto‘(1909) by Marinetti, the founder of Futurist theory.
Oct. 4, 11 (Sat) 15:00, 19:00 /Oct. 5, 9, 12(Sun, Thu, Sun) 15:00 / Oct. 7, 8, 10 (Tue, Wed, Fri) 20:00 | 120min
DOOSAN ART CENTER Space111 | Price : 30,000KRW / 50% off
Half GodsMyeongdong Theater

A co-production of Myeongdong Theater & Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. Based on the same-titled comic by Moto Hagio, Noda Hideki's 〈Half Gods〉 shows an extraordinary story of Siamese twins and their imaginary creatures performed by the carefully hand-picked Korean cast.
Oct. 4 (Sat) 15:00, 19:30 / Oct. 5 (Sun) 15:00 | 120min
Myeongdong Theater | Price : R-50,000KRW, S- 35,000KRW, A-20,000KRW / 50% off
A Forbidden ActMovement DANG-DANG

Suicide relies on social conditions, and the whole society display certain tendencies toward suicide at every moment of history. The last 60 minutes! What were they speaking with their bodies? Although it completely excludes the traditional structure of drama, it is a story of the bodies in despair that is powerfully delivered over the period of thoroughly dramatic 60 minutes without any summary or dialogue.
Oct. 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) 17:00 | 60min.(max)
Culture Station Seoul 284 RTO | Complimentary Tickets
Children's Interactive Theatre 〈Halmang 3〉thebefu

The 〈Halmang 3〉 is based on a story of 'Seolmundae Halmang mythology' of JeJu Island, where the new humanity has born. It leads the participation of children by making sound effects, props and puppets that cross the audience, dialogue with sign language, which creates visual and live performance.
Oct. 8 (Wed) 11:00 / Oct. 9 (Thu) 15:00 | 50~55min
Convention Center at Chungmu Art Hall | Price : 10,000KRW/autonomous donation
Korean Mask Dance Drama - Goseong OgwangdaeGoseong Ogwangdae Preservation Society /Seoul Arirang Festival

Goseong Ogwangdae, handed down and performed in Goseong, Gyeongsangnam-do, is a Korean traditional masked dance performance, which is organized with five stories. Particularly the dance is highly acclaimed compared to its narrative. As one of the oldest Korean performance, it is handed down keeping its original form than other traditional dances of Youngnam province.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 14:00 | 60min
Gwanghwamun Squre Main stage | Complimentary Tickets
A Dwarf who loved Snow WhiteShowplay

Musical has been together with 135 nations (regions) including 850 thousand audiences during 13years. Shines moreover time, encompasses all generations with power(force) of pure impression. The fairy tale for adults that touches heart of numerous adults. Now show this with some one who you will be loved.
Oct. 4, 11(Sat) 15:00, 18:00 / Oct. 5, 9, 12 (Sun, Thu, Sun) 14:00, 17:00/ Oct. 7, 8, 10 (Tue, Wed, Fri) 20:00 | 100min
Art-one theater | Price : R-50,000KRW, S-30,000KRW / 50% off
When spring comes to hills and dalesTheater BACK

The tale plays with the motif of a leper. The story is about a family find a world of their own marginalities in the society. The play won Best Play in the11th Busan International Performing Arts Festival in 2014 as well as Best Director and Best Actress in the13th Two Hander Festival in 2013.
Oct. 9, 10 (Thu, Fri) 20:00 / Oct. 11 (Sat) 16:00, 19:00 / Oct. 12 (Sun) 15:00 | 75min
Sangmyung art hall Ⅱ | Price : 20,000KRW / 50% off
What mommy doesn’t tell usTobecompany

Minju and her friends have been always curious about how babies are born. In this musical, they meet a cute sperm and go on a journey with him into the bodies of our parents. Minju and her friends learn about the human body one by one, from the testis and penis where sperms are made, to the labium, womb, and vagina in mom’s body.
Oct. 4, 5, 9, 11, 12 (Sat, Sun, Thu, Sat, Sun) 12:00 | 55min
Mimagi art center-hall 1 waters theater | Price : R-25,000KRW / 50% off
2014 Dance for TomorrowChangmu Art Center

Twenty-five dancers represent Korean dance, range from tradition to contemporary, are going to open the precious dance festival for five days. At Post Theatre, the very first dance theatre in Korea, audience could experience 1)Staged Korean traditional dance in 1920's, 2)New dance after 1950's, 3)Korean contemporary dance since 1980's. The Festival will show the history of Korean dance since early 20c and the way how Korean contemporary dance has been created.
Oct. 7, 8, 9, 10 (Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri) 15:00, 19:00 / 10.11 (Sat) 14:00, 18:00 | 80min
Post Theatre | Price : 20,000KRW / 50% off
Inside of Life / Bloody WarriorKim Yong Geol Dance Theater, Kim Kyung-Young&DTM Dance Company / Seoul Performing Arts Festivall(SPAF)

〈Inside of Life〉 When you encounter a wall so called “death”,will you be
disappointed or raged? What are we missing or over looking through the life of humans beings which has been are petition of life and death through out the centuries?
〈Bloody Warrior〉 Bloody Warrior was inspired by a Chinese martial art movie, which brought a sensation of East Asian fantasy of martial art to the world. Shared experience in history and culture success fully facilitated the collaboration, leading to the consensus that the martial art can be a competitive cultural asset to penetrate the international market of performing arts.
Oct. 12 (Sun) 16:00 | 40min/35min
Main Hall, ARKO Arts Theater | Price : R-40,000KRW / 50% off
The Rite of SpringDance Theater CHANG / Seoul Performing Arts Festival(SPAF)

The recent ‘Sewol Ferry disaster’ that happened in April of 2014 was unbearably tragic and shocking to all Koreans. The Dance Theater Chang's 〈The Rite of Spring〉 extends comforts for those who lost lives in the tragedy and those left behind, wishing that accident like this one would never happen again.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 20:00 / Oct. 11 (Sat) 19:00 | 60min
Small Hall, Deahakro Arts Theater | Price : 20,000KRW / 50% off
〈Share, Sound〉, 〈The Essentials of Korea Dance〉PanSun KIM, JeongYun LEE/Seoul Performing Arts Festival(SPAF)

〈Share, Sound〉
Music in our ordinary life interacts on each other either directly, coincidently, or depending on a personal taste. Pan-Sun Kim’s performance seeks to variously express the response of a unique music that he chose, to the physical body. Through the impression that music provides, it creates a symbolic mark of a physical language, and the marks as motif are put together with the rhythm.
〈The Essentials of Korea Dance〉
It’s the first project of DA.NCE Theatre represented by JeongYun Lee who was a chief dancer of the National Dance Company. Next Step following First step will make superior piece collaborated with top artists based on Korean traditional dance.
Oct. 5 (Sun) 16:00 / Oct. 6 (Mon) 20:00 | 80min
Main Hall, Daehakro Arts Theater | Price : R-40,000KRW / 50% off
〈As time goes by〉, 〈Going Below〉JaeSeung KIM, MoonSuk CHOI / Seoul Performing Arts Festival(SPAF)

〈JaeSeung KIM-As time goes by〉
Whait is the most important thing in human life? It deals with the best moment of one’s life and tells you a story passed.
〈MoonSuk CHOI-Going Below〉
It could happen to you. The experience of forgetting someone or something can be occurred. However, can we recognize that feeling of losing our memory?
Oct. 7 (Tue) 20:00 / Oct. 8 (Wed) 20:00 | 70min
Small Hall, Deahakro Arts Theater | Price : 20,000KRW / 50% off
Bul-SsangKorea National Contemporary Dance Company

〈Bul-Ssang〉 got a motive from a Budha Bar and reinterpreted many different kinds of Asian Traditional dance. The piece constructs a dynamic space with sophisticated movement through the contemporariness of each dancer of the company.
Through intimate collaboration with Pop Art by Choi Junghwa, an internationally well-known installation artist, and Lounge music by DJ Soulscape, the performance reveals its genuine extemporaneousness and playfulness on the stage.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 20:00 / Oct. 11 (Sat) 15:00 | 60min
National Theater of Korea, Main Hall ‘Hae’ | Price : R-50,000KRW, S-30,000KRW, A- 20,000KRW / 40% off

SEOUL DANCE PLATFORM is a showcase program designed to disseminate excellent Korean contemporary dance performances in major venues both domestically and abroad. SEOUL DANCE PLATFORM 2014 also aims to introduce 8 domestic performances for 2016 Kore-A-Moves(Europe Tour Project of Korean Contemporary Dance)
Oct. 8 (Wed) 13:00 | 180min
M Theater | Complimentary Tickets
Emotion spaceModart

This piece shows various kinds of emotion and thinking through body movement. The choreographer Kilho Yang maximize human inside to the dance performance.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 19:00 | 20min
Seoul Art Space HONGEUN | Complimentary Tickets
Pull the chair - Smile, SinawiModern Table

‘Smile’ - Happiness may not identical with smiling. we would like to give you some philosophical question about happiness. ‘Sinawi’ - It means ‘improvisation’ in Korean. You can find intuitive senses of choreographer Mr.Kim Jaeduk.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 20:00 | 60min
LIG Art Hall | Price : 30,000KRW / 50% off, 66% off

I stand at this place, but I have nothing to say. You may leave whenever you feel the urge. What we need here at this moment is nothing but silence. Nevertheless, what is essential in silence is utterance. Are you living your life? Are you clinging to life?
Oct. 10 (Fri) 19:30 | 30min
Seoul Art Space HONGEUN | Complimentary Tickets
SHACODASusanna Leinonen Company

SHACODA presents four contemporary dance pieces from Finland, Belgium and Korea in a truly unique artistic platform. The goal is to share and exchange know-how and find different ways to collaborate and network within the dance scene. The performances selected to this showcase are intriguing and interesting, performed by rising and talented dance groups.
Susanna Leinonen Company 〈Touch of Gravity〉 (Finland)
Compañía Kaari & Roni Martin 〈The Raven〉 (Finland)
La Verita Dance Company 〈Behind the Body〉 (Belgium)
Ground Zero Project 〈Accompany〉 (Korea)
Oct. 7 (Tue) 18:00 | 210min
Sogang University Mary Hall | Price : R-50,000KRW, S-30,000KRW, A-20,000KRW /
Complimentary Tickets , 50% off
MISO:Baebijang-jeonJeongdong Theater

Jeongodng Theater has been presenting dignified masterpieces for 18years since 1997 for popularizing, and enhancing the quality of Korean traditional culture and art. Now Jeongodng Theater presents its new performance of 2014, 〈MISO: Baebijang-jeon〉. 〈MISO:Baebijang-jeon〉 is about a satirical Novel Representative of the Joseon Dynasty! The fateful encounter of Secretary Bae, an official that we can't help but love, and Ae-rang, a beautiful woman who is proud and clever.
Oct. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun) 16:00 | 70min
Jeongdong Theater | Price : VIP-60,000KRW, R-50,000KRW, S-40,000KRW / 50% off
Across Hip Hop ⅧRyu janghyun and Friends, Company SIGA/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

〈I am African〉 We feel the urge to move.
〈Equilibrium〉 Wild blood runs deep!
Oct. 8 (Wed) 20:00 | 60min
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Hangang | Price :R-40,000KRW, S-30,000KRW, A-20,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets , 30% off
DelugeMotherboard Production/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

〈Deluge〉 is an exploration of what happens to the human body when it is confronted with vast amounts of nature's most healing, yet unpredictable force – water.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 17:00 | -
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Dreem | Price : R-30,000KRW S-20,000KRW / 30% off
Still Standing YouPieter Ampe & Guilherme Garrido, Campo/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

Two naked men hit, get tangled, bite, pinch, and embrace. Their relationship constantly shifts while the two pant in sweaty bodies and humorous faces.
Oct. 12 (Sun) 19:00 | 45min
Sogang University Mary Hall | Price : R-50,000KRW, S-35,000KRW, A-20,000KRW / 30% off
Black DiamondDanish Dance Theater/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

With Black Diamond, Tim Rushton returns to a more conceptual and futuristic universe, where focus has been set on graphic aesthetics, scenes and geometrical forms. His work - described as 'emotionally-led, reflecting the nuances of human relationships’ - often mixes live music, stunning lightning and design features.
Oct. 12 (Sun) 16:00 | 90min
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Hangang | Price : R-60,000KRW, S-40,000KRW, A- 20,000KRW / 30% off
Who's Next ⅠSeoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

In addition to various projects that pave ways for South Korean dance makers to succeed internationally, Seoul International Dance Festival has launched a new platform called in 2013. It assembles works of mid-career dance professionals as well as up-and-coming young artists who represent South Korean dance scene.
Goblin Party, Dance Company THE Body, Dance Company Mamook, Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group, Jeon Mi-sook, Choi Jin-han
Oct. 7 (Tue) 18:00 | 180min
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Dreem | Price : R-30,000KRW, S- 20,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets
Who's Next ⅡSeoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

In addition to various projects that pave ways for South Korean dance makers to succeed internationally, Seoul International Dance Festival has launched a new platform called in 2013. It assembles works of mid-career dance professionals as well as up-and-coming young artists who represent South Korean dance scene.
Lee K. Dance, Art Project BORA, Designare Movement, Oh Jae-won Project, LEE Kyung-ok Dance Company, Hong Sun-mi Dance Theater NU
Oct. 9 (Thu) 18:00 | 180min
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Dreem | Price : R-30,000KRW, S- 20,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets
MEN&MAHLERGRANHØJDANS/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

8 muscular men of 6 different nationalities aged between 20 and 52 years and weighed 50 to 100Kg. Their harsh body language and naughty behavior is exquisitely harmonized with Mahler's wistful, solemn music and shows extremely male’s characteristic and male universe.
Oct. 8 (Wed) 20:00 | 60min
Sogang University Mary Hall | Price : R-50,000KRW, S: 35,000KRW A: 20,000KRW / 30% off
Korean Sword Dance Collection Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

Thirteen different pieces, ranging from traditional folk geommu to original works inspired by muye-geom (sword martial arts) are staged in ‘Geommu-jeon’, or the Sword Dance Collection to highlight various aspects of geommu as a rich archive and repository of Korean dance.
Oct. 9 (Thu) 20:00 / Oct. 10 (Fri) 20:00 | 100min
Sogang University Mary Hall | Price : R-40,000KRW, S-30,000KRW A- 20,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets, 30% off
Men in Sandals, PilgrimDon*Gnu, LucySuggate/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

〈Men in Sandals〉 entertains the idea of a world where the performers unfamiliarize ordinary objects such as sandals, socks, and closets. They question and interrogate the nature of common objects as if they saw these for the first time, setting in motion their fascinating stories about power and relationships.
〈Pilgrim〉 Lucy Suggate chooses mostly to work independently striving for autonomy and sustainability whilst reclaiming back the creative act into the arms of the artist. We can’t wait for how Lucy Suggate expresses her story, rejecting any types of retrains or interferences
Oct. 4 (Sat) 17:00 | 60min
Seoul Arts Center Jayu Theater | Price : R-30,000KRW, S-20,000KRW / 30% off
Complexe des GenresCompagnie Virginie Brunelle/ Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

Lauded by audiences and critics alike, 〈Complexe des genres〉 is a poetic reflection of the human psyche, and explores the search for oneself through relationships. As righteous, thinking beings, men and women can experience growth, acceptance and love. A physical and acrobatic choreography imbued with remarkable visual poetry.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 20:00 | 60min
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Hangang | Price : R-50,000KRW, S-35,000KRW, A-20,000KRW / 30% off
Korean Identity through Dance 19-2Real Dance Company/Seoul International Dance Festival(SIDance)

Founded by Bae Jeong-hye in 1984 in an attempt to diverge from conventional themes and methods of Korean dance making, Real Dance Company presents the 30th anniversary performance at the Seoul International Dance Festival.
Oct. 6 (Mon) 20:00 | 70min
Gangdong Arts Center Theater Hangang | Price : R-40,000KRW, S-30,000KRW, A-20,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets , 30%off
BUDDHAPasha Dance Company

The perspective of contemporary dance towards this religion and Buddha will be brought on stage. This piece, however, it is not a statement about a specific religion or a figure. It just portrays an important part of asian culture at the center of world attention, a sensibility that comprises it.
Oct. 12 (Sun) 17:00 | 70min
Korea National Sport University Physical science 4th multipurpose hall | Complimentary Tickets
Butterfly effect in Oct, Dreamtalk in Daehangno3rd Line Butterfly

Live music performances have been focused on Hong-dae area in Korean music market. Beside Daehangno area where has been concentrated on theatre. '3rd Line Butterfly' is trying to change Daehakro area to music scene.
Oct. 4 (Sat) 15:00, 19:00 / Oct. 5 (Sun) 16:00 | 90min
Happytheater, in Daehangno | Price : First Floor-44,000KRW, Second Floor-33,000KRW / 30% off
Contemporary Music from KoreaKOREAN MUSIC PROJECT

Composition by Korean composers(Bonu Koo, Namkuk Kim, Kwangho Cho etc.) and Klaus Huber, Benjamin Helmer's piece for Korean instruments
Oct. 8 (Wed) 19:00 | 70min
Ilshin Hall | Price : 20,000KRW / 50% off

A concert of authentic Korean music.
Bringing UNESCO-designated Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity together in one place, including the ‘Jongmyo jeryeak’ (Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music), the folk song ‘Arirang’, and Pansori Epic Chant. Traditional music reborn as minimalist and dynamic sounds. A blend of delicacy and grandeur created through a wide variety of instruments.
Oct. 4, 5, 9, 11, 12 (Sat, Sun, Thu, Sat, Sun) 17:00 / Oct. 7, 8, 10 (Tue, Wed, Fri) 20:00 | 70min
SEOUL NAMSAN TRADITIONAL THEATHER | Price : Adults- 50,000KRW, Student-30,000KRW / Complimentary Tickets, 50% off
Ars Nova III : Chamber Concert 'Carnival'Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor Kwame Ryan / Soloit TBA
A night of Asian and Korean premieres headlines this chamber concert with selected works by the best 20th and 21st century composers and even a pioneer of innovative style in the baroque period, Heinrich Ignaz von Biber will complete this extraordinary program, conducted by Kwame Ryan.
Oct. 10 (Fri) 19:30 | 120min
Sejong Chamber Hall | Price : R-30,000KRW, S-20,000KRW, A- 10,000KRW / 20% off
Gwangmyeong Nongak (Farmers' music and dance)Gwangmyeong Nongak Preservation Society/Seoul Arirang Festival

〈Gwangmyeong Nongak〉, the intangible cultural asset of Kyunggi-do No. 20, is one of Nongak forms handed down in Gwangmyeongsi, Kyunggi-do. As it is characterized with energetic dynamic tunes and rhythm, it participates in wishing community’s well-being and good harvest on the day of the first full moon of the lunar year and Korean thanksgiving day.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 16:00 | 50min
Gwanghwamun Squre Performing Arts Stage | Complimentary Tickets
Zandari Festa 2014Zandari Festa 2014

Founded in 2012, Zandari Festa is the only showcase festival in Korea. In this year, more than 200 bands from over 10 countries participated in the three-day festival in the Hongdae Area, Seoul.
Oct. 10 (Fri) - Oct. 12 (Sun) | 1800min
Zandari Outdoor Stage & 20+ venues | Price : Deligate Pass- 100,000KRW/50% off
Inchon arariJAN CHI MA DANG

“Pleasure of Boat-full fishing, Delight of fishermen” - Story of In-Cheon touches your heart.
Oct. 9 (Thu), Oct. 10 (Fri) 19:30 | 70min
Traditional Arts Theater, Seoul Jogyesa | Price : 20,000KRW / 50% off

Korean traditional instruments quartet plays their own pieces and arrangements with beautiful performance.
Oct. 12 (Sun) 19:30 | 60min
Theater Yeonwoo | Complimentary Tickets
Three Sisters/ Mask of clown/ RainbowKorea National University of Arts/K’arts Platform Festival

〈Three Sisters〉 On the unique stage like a runway of fashion show which has the length 25m and width 5m, this production shows Three Sisters, written by Chekhov, as a dynamic drama of our contemporaries’ loneliness and desire instead of a classical realism drama. (This performance is a short version of this production. The running time of full version is 150mins.)
〈Mask of clown〉 Character, singing, feat, eloquence - these are virtues of clown. And there are clowns who have one of them each.
They are living with their master and satisfied with their own talent no desire for the other's one.
One day, one of them injure his leg so e can't appear on the stage.
is the omnibus contemporary dance performance from 5 different dancers. The audience can find unique identity of each word and , at the same time, feel harmony of each characters.
Three Sisters : Oct. 9 (Thu) 19:00/ Mask of clown : Oct. 11 (Sat) 16:00, 19:00/ Rainbow : Oct. 9 (Thu) 20:00, Oct. 11 (Sat) 20:00 | 40min / 70min / 70min
〈Three sisters, Mask of clown〉Korea National University of Arts Theater B 〈Rainbow〉Korea National University of Arts, Drama Stage | Complimentary Tickets
Saturday Performance of Korean Music&DanceNational Gugak Center

Your wish is our command: learning experience, leisure activities, gifts, making parents happy, appetite for music, and many more! <2014 Saturday Masterpiece Series> at the National Gugak Center We offer you memorable experiences of arts and class — more than you could ever imagine.
Oct. 4, 11 (Sat) 15:00 | 80min
National Gugak Center Umyeon-dang | Price : A-20,000KRW, B-10,000KRW / 50% off
CSS284 Open Space 2014 Autumn-NUMBER 4 TRAIN STATION. SEPTEMBER, Bit sound observationCulture Station Seoul 284, MAF + ROM, TENGGER

This stage will show stories around Seoul Subway Line4(blue line) through various art media exhibition and performing. Off-stage dance performance will create monthly episode by collaboration with visual arts, film, sound, space and it will be archived through on-line.
〈Bit sound observation〉
Musicians build and compose spontaneous notes through feedback of audience who will express their imagination and feeling with various way. Artists perform circulation of sounds with audience together.
〈October.NUMBER 4 TRAIN STATION〉 Oct.7,8(Tue, Wed) 20:00, 〈Bit sound observation〉 Oct. 9 (Thu)17:00, 20:00 | 60min
Culture Station Seoul 284 RTO | Complimentary Tickets
Jultagi (Tightrope Walking)Kwon Won-Tae Traditional Performing Arst Group/Seoul Arirang Festival

'Eoreum', one of the six performances of Namsadang-Nori, is a rope dancing. The 'Eoreum Sani' (rope dancer) performs on a rope three-meters-high while exchanging wisecracks with a 'Maehossi' (A partner for exchanging wisecracks). These wisecracks are full of jests and fun.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 13:00 | 50min
Gwanghwamun Square Performing Arts Stage | Complimentary Tickets
KKUN's (Players')DONG RAK Traditional Performing Arts Group/Seoul Arirang Festival

It is an opportunity to meet various Korean traditional performing arts: organized with various versions of ‘Arirang’, rhythmical traditional tunes, ‘Beona’ nori with full of rich humors, ‘Pan-nori’ of Nong-ak etc. Also it is an interactive performance that both players and spectators are able to freely communicate and share.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 12:00 | 50min
Gwanghwamun Squre Main stage | Complimentary Tickets
Jindo Ssikgim-Gut Jindo Ssikgim-Gut Preservation Society/Seoul Arirang Festival

It is a shaman ritual called ‘Gut’ for the soul to wash away his negative feelings and grudge and finally to make the journey to Nirvana. A shaman in mourning costumes dances and sings, and she calls the soul to the Gut place.
Oct. 11 (Sat) 18:00 | 120min
Gwanghwamun Square Performing Arts Stage | Complimentary Tickets
SOUNDCZECH / Contemporary physical theatre from Czech RepublicSpitfire Company, Tantehorse

Two leading physical theatre companies from the Czech Republic present their internationally acclaimed work. ‘Spitfire Company’ performs Anti words based on a play by Vaclav Havel. ‘Tantehorse’ brings the one-woman transgender show S/he Is Nancy Joe – a docu-dance between genres, in the unique hybrid style of street ballet.
Oct. 7, 8 (Tue, Wed) 20:00 | 155min
Mapo Arts Center | Price : R-40,000KRW, S-30,000KRW/50%off, Complimentary Tickets
Puleundal Theater ALL Repertory ShowcasePuleundal

Meet the all repertory of Puleundal Theater!
Oct. 4 (Sat) - Oct. 12 (Sun) | 80min (Per Performance)
Puleundal Teater @ Daeharkro | Price : BIG 4(4 performances)-120,000KRW, 1DAY(2 performances)-60,000KRW, ONLY1(1 performance)- 30,000KRW
Hi Seoul Festival 2014Hi Seoul Festival

Hi Seoul Festival is the street arts festival composed of a variety of performing arts programs from all over the world and citizens participating programs. An exhilarated playground is opened on the streets filled with new encounters.
Oct. 4 (Sat) / Oct. 5 (Sun)
Square : Seoul Plaza, Gwanghwamu Square, Cheonggye Plaza / Seoul Citizens Hall / Streets : Cheonggyecheonro, Taepyeongro, Deoksugung Dolam-gil, Seochon
| Complimentary Tickets
Arts Market_Sunyudo ParkKorean Street Art Center

‘2014 Arts Market in Sunyudo Park’ tries to build up the reclamation of the city as well as the establishment of the environment – friendly park with the cooperation of the park and street artists. It also plans to extend the point of contact between the street arts and the public through art contents that are specialized in street, which is enabled by holding the art market place having the aspect of festivals with the public accordingly.
Oct. 10 (fri) 13:00~20:00 / Oct. 11 (Sat) 10:00~19:00 | 420min / 660min
Sunyudo Park | Complimentary Tickets